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“Does It Get Very Busy?”

“Does it get very busy?”

The first thing people ask me when they know that I am part of the Secretariat, is “Does it get very busy?”

I guess that it shouldn’t be too much to handle unless you are taking on many other responsibilities as well. I assist the Treasurer, Panos. I try to help him in whatever way I can. I am glad to work with Panos because he can always lighten the mood.

I juggle IVSA related stuff along with studies, local faculty events, friends and life. I think that many students are doing the same thing. I used to be really ambitious and wanted to take part in many clubs and events. Then there came a point where it became too much and I was pressured out of my mind. Now I just want to slow down and focus on one thing at a time. I realize how important it is to give yourself enough time for, well, yourself – despite being active.

I know many vet students; IVSA members especially, who juggle much heavier stuff. Thus, I’d like to remind everyone that no matter how crazy things get, we must remember to take breaks and relax once in awhile. Ask yourself; have you called your loved ones lately? Are you taking your meals on time? Are you getting enough sleep? When was the last time you had a health checkup?

June Chung

Dr. Lisa Leiner

Frau Dr. Lisa Leiner ist promovierte Tierärztin, Diplom Biologin mit dem Schwerpunkt Verhaltensphysiologie und Psychologie, Autorin, Referentin und Coach.
Bis 2019 lag ihr Hauptaugenmerk als Gründerin und Geschäftsführerin von VetStage in der Personalberatung und -akquise im Namen von Kollegen und Kolleginnen.
Zwischen 2019 und 2023 verstärkte sie das Team um Tierarzt Plus Partner im Bereich HR. Hier war sie nicht nur für die Akquise von Tierärztinnen, Tierärzten und TFA verantwortlich, sondern auch für den Aufbau verschiedener Projekte (Berufseinsteigerprogramm, Praktikantenprogramm und andere). Seit 2024 ist Dr. Leiner als selbstständige Beraterin und Trainerin in den Bereichen Personal, Kommunikation und Resilienz tätig.

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