Ein Beitrag von  Jan-Hein Swagemakers*1, Peter Van Daele2 and Mahmoud Mageed1
1Tierklink Lüsche GmbH, Bakum, Germany and 2O.L.V. van Lourdes Ziekenhuis, Waregem, Belgium.
*Corresponding author: Jan-Hein Swagemakers Jswagemakers@tierklinik- luesche.de,  Tierklinik Lüsche auf VetStage

Percutaneous full endoscopic foraminotomy for treatment of cervical spinal nerve compression in horses using a uniportal approach: Feasibility study

erstellt am 9. Januar 2023

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Background: Cervical spinal nerve insult can be a sequel of osteoarthropathy in horses due to enlargement of the articular processes (AP).
Objectives: To describe the percutaneous endoscopic cervical foraminotomy procedure in horses.
Study design: Ex vivo experimental study and clinical case report.
Methods: The technique was performed in 3 equine cadavers and in 2 clinical cases with history of forelimb lameness located in the caudal cervical region. Briefly, the horse was positioned in lateral recumbency, with the affected AP joint uppermost. Under fluoroscopic guidance, the endoscopic instruments (Ø 6.9mm, length 207mm, 25° angle of vision) were positioned at the dorsal bony margin of the intervertebral foramen (IVF). The bo

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Jan-Hein Swagemakers*1, Peter Van Daele2 and Mahmoud Mageed1
1Tierklink Lüsche GmbH, Bakum, Germany and 2O.L.V. van Lourdes Ziekenhuis, Waregem, Belgium.
*Corresponding author: Jan-Hein Swagemakers Jswagemakers@tierklinik- luesche.de

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